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Spring tutoring has started! Peer tutoring is available to Drake students at no charge. Tutoring is most beneficial for students who are actively participating in classes. Tutoring is not intended to be a substitute for consistent class attendance. The availability of in-person and virtual tutoring will vary by subject and can be confirmed in Starfish when you schedule your appointment.

Students can click here to sign in to Starfish and access instructions for Scheduling Tutoring in the following subjects:

Academic Coaching

Access & Success now offers peer-facilitated academic coaching! Peer Mentors work with you 1-on-1 to listen to your questions and share tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your academic experience. Academic coaches have an abundance of experience and training that make them great resources to talk to and work with. Schedule a meeting with our peer academic coaches through Starfish!


Accounting - Adam Bowers Center (Aliber Hall, lower level)

  Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs
6-8 PM Reagan   Isabella & Dayton Reagan & Anna Emma
8-10 PM Emma &
Dayton & Emma   Riley & Bethany  Emma

Actuarial Science

Actuarial Science - Adam Bowers Center (Aliber Hall, lower level)

  Sun Mon Tues Thurs
6-9 PM Trevor Christian Christian Sophie


Biology 012 - Cowles Library, lower level at bottom of stairs 

  Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs
5-6 PM Divyanshi Sydney Sydney Zach  
6-7 PM   Ruth Melia Ruth
7-8 PM      


Chemistry (General) - Cowles Library, lower level

  Sun Mon Wed Thurs
4-5 PM 4:00-6:00
5-6 PM 5:00-7:00
6-7 PM  
7-8 PM     7:00-9:00 Sydney 
8-9 PM

Chemistry (Organic) - Cowles Library, lower level

  Sun Mon Tues Wed
5-7 PM 6-8 PM
Olivia Jenna Ella
7-9 PM Leah


Economics - David J. Noble American Equity Center (Aliber Hall lower level)

  Tues Wed
6-8 PM  Catalina Carson 

Math/Computer Science

Math/Computer Science (CS) – Cowles Library 201 

The Math/CS tutoring lab operates on a walk-in basis every Sunday - Wednesday, 6-9 PM while classes are in session. Come work with your peers and utilize the tutors for any questions that come up while you're studying. 

Math tutoring is available for Math 017, 020, 028, 050, 070, 080, 100, & 110

CS tutoring is available for CS 065, 066, 067, & 167

Statistics tutoring is available for STAT 040


Physics – Cowles Library, lower level  
Schedule in Starfish

5-7 PM


Music Theory

Please email the tutors directly to schedule; scheduling is not available on Starfish. 

Caitlyn Dean 

Alec Gabel – (Tutor in MUS 001, 003, 051 and 053)

Mac Muehlberger (Tutor in MUS 001 – 004 and MUS 051 - 054)

Writing Center

The Writing Center is a tutoring center to help you with your many writing needs. If you are working on an essay, report, or research paper, the Writing Center can help. The Writing Center is directed by a faculty member and staffed by undergraduate students who are trained to tutor. They are also experienced writers and friendly critics. You may visit a tutor by appointment or establish a time to meet a tutor on a regular basis. 

Writing Center Fall 2024

Please click here to schedule an appointment in Starfish. 

Speaking Center

Speaking Center tutors have experience and training in speech pedagogy and are prepared to assist students when selecting and narrowing topics, organizing ideas, drafting and revising an outline, preparing visual aids, and practicing delivery. The Speaking Center’s staff also facilitates access to research and resources that can help speakers and presenters. 

Appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes each, and students are encouraged to schedule multiple times while preparing for a single event if they wish. Please click here to schedule an appointment in Starfish. 


Spanish - Cowles Library, lower level

6:30-7:30 PM

10-10:45 AM


Statistics - Cowles Library, lower level

Tues    4-6 PM 

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025
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